This section is about my work in Tabletop Role Playing Games (or TTRPGs), mainly in my own game Terracore.
I have been playing TTRPGs, specifically homebrewed ones, since 2014. I began making my own in 2015 and have been running the game for friends since then.
Terracore began as setting and found its footing as a rules system as I took insperation from Matthew Coleville of MCDM, Hankerin Ferninale of Rune Hammer, Dan DeFazio of Dungeon Craft, and so on. It went through several editions and began to come together as a prototype ruleset in 2020. However, following a sudden meltdown on Christmas Eve all progress was lost and the project entered into it's 5th edition as Terracore Basic.
Terracore's 4th Pre-Crash Edition can be found here.
I had taken a break in devlopment to produce an adventure called "The Black Abbey; Temple to Moloch" which was described as "Wicked" and "Grim-Dark" by Dan DeFazio. First Created for Mörk Borg's fan publishing program the Mörk Borg Club.
Following a Scottish Church's fall into the mad worship of an ancient evil god, the birth of a demi-god, and the end of the crusades it was set in a setting called "The Earth Unchained" in which all myths, legends, and stories were true.
It was rejected from the club but I devloped it into a full adventure with art regardless.
The Black Abbey; Temple to Moloch can be found here.
On December 9th, 2022, I published Terracore Basic Edition.
Years of work across several editions of working on and refining my Writing, Editing, Art, and Layout lead to this. I made a video of the game in action, edited it, made graphics, put it to music.
The response was muted. I had gotten a couple of sales between a friend and my mom and I was terribly disappointed. Years of work had did little because I had no vector to market the game. Furthermore I was unable to turn it into a phyiscal book because it was too big, using landscape legal paper it'd be impossible to bind with all 300 something pages. I couldn't get anyone's eyes on it or leverage social media to generate buzz as at the time Twitter was withering following Elon Musk's acquistion in April, 2022.
I waited too long to market and had no idea how to make a splash in a crowed market.
It was a failure, but an important lesson and something I am still proud of despite everything.
Terracore Basic Edition can be found here.
I've made a few other books.
Crawling from the Wreckage, a guide to Character Crucibles.
The Hole in Highrock was my first attempt at a Megadungeon for Dungeon23. I made it in Obsidian and the scope was hard to work with.
OMNI, my unfinished second submission for Dungeon23. A psychic cyber-space dungeon delve.
Blood Drenched Moore, my submission for a Shadow Dark Game Jam hosted by Baron De Ropp of Dungeon Masterpiece. It makes 3 by 3 dungeons, I thought it was pretty cool.
I ran a few more games. Terracore 500, The Black Tower, City of the Future, Etc.
I made "Band of Bastards" which was kind of like a 6th Edition of Terracore. New Dice Mechanic. I ran a very intresting game with that.
I've been running my own homebrew of Shadow Dark called "Shadows over Avon" which has been a big hit, I might make it a PDF.